„Rust, Dust, Ashes, and Bones“ is a ongoing artistic exploration series on the symbolic decay inherent in industrialization. 
Rust emerges here as potent symbol of industrial decay, embodying the gradual erosion of steel—the very skeletal foundation of our modern civilization.
The metaphorical introspective serves as a reminder of the constant impermanence woven into the fabric of society, a subtle reflection on the cyclicality from bones to dust. 
„Rust, Dust, Ashes, and Bones“ has  been the ongoing research from the artist Julia Flux,. The project found a strong expression within the colaboration with the artist Eline Martheus during their mutual artist resideny in the Atacama desert of Chile.
The installation in the atacama desert deals with different layers of space, time, decay and spiritual ecology. Each glas panel stands here for one layer symbolically reflected on by the title of the project.

ASHES - essence of storytelling

 Ashes, fire, and charcoal symbolize the communal warmth and wisdom shared around a flickering flame. Ashes carry the echoes of narratives told around the fire, fostering community and preserving indigenous wisdom across spacetime. The dance of firelight and shadows mirrors the timeless nature of tales, while charred remnants embody stories woven into the fabric of existence. These elements invite individuals to gather, share, and perpetuate the sacred art of storytelling.

 RUST -  Symbolic Decay in Industrialization

The project delves into rust as a potent emblem of industrial decay, emphasizing the gradual erosion of steel—the foundational skeleton of modern civilization.
DUST - Metaphorical Transition from everything to Dust

Dust refers here to deep spacetime. The exploration unveils the transformative journey of everything. serving as an allegory for the inevitable transition of all things to dust. The invinite movement of the life-death-life-circle

BONES - organic matter and spacetime

Bones embody not just enfleshment but the enduring core of consciousness, persisting when the flesh fades away. This metaphor extends to society, prompting a reflection on what remains beneath surface layers—questioning the essence that endures when superficial elements are stripped away. In contemplating bones, it becomes a metaphorical exploration of enduring structures shaping both individual and collective identities.