spiritual ecology


empty churches, empty hearts?

The secularisation of the West has resulted in the loss of something deeply significant.

This loss in favor of technocratization has led to an unprecedented atomization of society, 
influenced by the Algorithm and the ascent of ‚gurus‘ and celebrities. 
Belief has transformed into abstractions and products - money as the messiah.

While we haven‘t entirely stopped believing, there‘s a noticeable shift away from elements that once brought vitality to life.

Paralell,  the Western world is experiencing a degrowth of secular practices,  burial cultures are dying out and many churches themselves turn into  architecture of the capitalized societies- shops or coffees- or remain  empty.

Splitting atoms, splitting communities?

Simultaneously, the Earth faces the ecocides of the 6th extinction wave, threatening ecosystems and healthy communities.
Isolation  of the individual as a result, exacerbates mental health struggles,  feeding back into the commodification of „care“ and well-being.

In  this context, there‘s a contemplation of the need for an earthbound  sense, a sacred ground and nourishing soil for resilient, connected and  sensitive communities .
A new understanding and believe in the Great Mystery emerges here as a potential guide for desirable futures. 

What needs to go, what needs to grow? Sacred ground -fertile ground?

Following an understanding of „Vibrant Matter.“ -we start walking on this earth as it matters.
camino de la serpente